"I'm so amazingly cool you could keep a side of meat inside me for a month. I am so hip I have difficulty seeing over my pelvis.You guys are so unhip it's a wonder your bums don't fall off." - Zaphod Beeblebrox in The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
That being said, let us begin. Today was rather frustrating (depending on how you look at it... I'm shortsighted. Literally of course not metaphorically)
Got up feeling miserably unwell. Took the day off and then disaster struck! The television conked out.... Ran around the house like a headless chicken, shouting 'Aaaaa!! the telly's gone! the telly's gone!' till Mrudula hit me on the side of the head with a frying pan. Calmed down immediately.
Got the service centre number and called. Was given a call centre number. Called the call centre. They registered a complaint and informed me that it would be fixed tomorrow. Tried to explain to them that I coudln't spend the day without the telly ( All my books are still in the cartons waiting to be unpacked... Now thats a huge task... talk about the Augean stables.... sigh..). They didn't seem to understand. Asked me to call the service centre. Called. No one picked up. Called the call centre again. Apparently I should have registered a complaint on Saturday for a person to come and repair the telly today. I explained to her that while I was talented beyond the average, predicting the future was still a little difficult for me to do. She didn't seem amused. Hope she sends someone to repair the damn thing!
Got onto the Net. Got lost. Found my way back with difficulty. They should have more efficient roadsigns.
Saw this site belonging to a guy called Alister Cameron. (http://www.alistercameron.com/2007/04/05/if-your-blog-looks-crap-it-is-crap/).
A self professed 'Blogologist' with a mission statement which goes 'Changing the world. One Blog(ger) at a time.' He had a lot of kind and considerate advice to bloggers on subjects such as ' if your blog looks crap it is crap' and 'why no one reads your blog'. He apparently registered a 2000% increase in readership in a month. Modest achievement. Did wonders for my morale, reading about it. Actually, I've decided that i don't care who reads my blog and any sly comments on sour grapes will definitely not earn you any brownie points. Such comments might even earn you a visit from me, which is probably the last thing you want.... So.
Installed a Blogpatrol counter, to record the number of hits here. Initially installed a Public counter in a fit of bravado. Then sanity prevailed. Changed it to a private counter. And no, I did not chicken out. I will change it back to a public counter the moment I get a 2000% increase in readership. It's just a matter of time. Hah!
Reminds me of 'Wowbagger, The infinitely prolonged' from Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. For the unlearned, this dude was an alien who became immortal by mistake, didn't know what to do and decided to busy himself with abusing every living creature in the Universe. He zips around in his spaceship, with a list of all creatures in the Universe, systematically stopping to abuse each one. Now, there's a goal worth pursuing!
Quite a few of the meerkats in 'Meerkat Manor' on Animal Planet, seem to have names from the Hitchhikers Guide. Interesting, that.
Was chatting with a friend, and she told me about stream of consciousness writing.... Interesting notion. Apparently James Joyce and William Faulkner were amongst the people who followed this technique. I miss James Joyce. Must read 'Finnegans Wake' again. Its been too long.
Adi called. I hear there are paeans of joy being sung certain quarters of Chennai now. I also hear there were frenzied jigs of joy being performed. Good news I'm told, does that to you. 'The Universe tends to unfold itself'. "Harold and Kumar go to Whitecastle" is a very sensible movie. LOL!
1 comment:
My Fav quote:
"The History of every major Galactic Civilization tends to pass through three distinct and recognizable phases, those of Survival, Inquiry and Sophistication, otherwise known as the How, Why and Where phases.
For instance, the first phase is characterized by the question "How can we eat?", the second by the question "Why do we eat?" and the third by the question, "Where shall we have lunch?""
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe.....ofcourse!!!
rock on buddy :)
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